

昨日、 #CassandraPrime アノマリーに先駆けてボラタイル・ポータル(高得点ポータル)に関する情報がP.A.シャポーから発表されました。
2018/07/27 カサンドラプライム:ボラタイル情報
札幌のリンク先説明までは Itonaga Naohiro さんから和訳が出ています。

また各暗号文書の中に、キャリー・キャンベルによると思しきメッセージ(メジャーメント1~3)と、彼女のメッセージを調査した ステュアート・ヘンソン と名乗る謎の人物による説明(メジャーメント4)がありました。解読の手引きとも取れるのですが、 今回のアノマリーのストーリーは最初からずっとこれまでとは違うところから情報が出てきています。


(Measurement 1)

...we are like livestock, trapped and caged; is this message meant for us, or meant to destroy us...

...the signal dances before me, in figures that first appeared to another...

...how can I quantify this? The signal must be comprehensible...

...past civilizations encountered this signal. What was their account of it...

...we repeat the signal, pervasive, in the very devices we hold in our hands...

...there is a key to this signal; even as I type my findings, the signal emerges from my fingers...

(Measurement 2)

...without three words, can the raw numbers themselves tell me where to look? What is our alphabet to those outside...

...the signal shifts; I must realign to attune myself...

...the signal oscillates, up and down; what meaning is there in its ebb and flow...

(Measurement 3)

...it has been a long journey, but a short time...I am listening for the signal...

...I feel the signal, coming through...conflict is empty, but if we help each other, we are strong...

...the signal is so black and white; is there no middle ground between these two paths...

(Measurement 4)

(Storehouse Collection Document)
July 28, 2018
To all agents in Sapporo
I received cryptic correspondence from Dr.Campbell late last week. The pages she sent were written in her unmistakable hand, describing visions and dreams she's had of a coming catastrophe - a self-destruct signal streaming through five specific XM portals. Each puzzling missive could be distilled down to three key words. These triplets comprised co-ordinates for the portals Dr.Campbell envisioned:


I have made every effort to formalize Dr.Campbell's chaotic messages in a more readable form. Her final instruction to me reaffirmed her agnosticism: whichever faction - the Enlightened or the Resistance - succeeds in repelling this dangerous self-destruct signal will receive from me the remainder of Dr.Campbell's confounding notes. To that end, I have omitted the three words that lead to each of the five key portals in this city, to help determine which faction is most worthy of Dr.Campbell's further revelation.

Stuart Henson, Junior Research Analyst, BSc, MRes





(Storehouse 1)
I picked my way through the maze, taking the shortest path to collect what I needed in alphabetical order. When I reached the centre, all that mattered was that which I could sea.

(Storehouse 2)
I dreamt of a jumble of letters in a honeycomb pattern, alongside a series of Shaper glyphs. With effort, three words made themselves plain.
I found translations of the glyphs snaking through the honeycomb. The first word appeared in the gaps. The second word came to me, initially, when I considered the glyphs I had found.
The glyph I could not find left traces of the third word.

These three words led me to one of the primary portals.


(Storehouse 3)
I envisioned a pristine cluster of strangely-named neutral portals. I threw twanty-five fields, none of them nested, and three words emerged...

(Storehouse 4) ※説明文なし

(Storehouse 5) ※説明文なし


#ProjectLycaeum #ingress
