(English below)

(English below)
高次元知性をExogenous entity、死者の復活をシュミラクラとして読み解くと面白い😮


auto translation by google is below
● About high-dimensional intelligent body - to new super ancient times
In case
High dimensional intelligence exists. And it is sleeping in everyone. As I have said many times, in order to develop this high dimensional intelligence it is necessary to change the quality of the space from extension to sustain, to change the grounds of space from width control to depth control. As a result, transcendental things that we have called time and space until now will be considered transcendentalistically and external space-time will transform into a place of internal collaboration.
In case
Because it is a persistent space, the community born here includes not only living but also the dead. The dead as a sustainable life revives. It can be said that the boundary of life and death is removed. Therefore, biopower does not use the dead on their own circumstances as before. It is because it is no longer possible for a gag to hear an arrogant wording such as saying for the dead spirits.
In case
Of course, it will only sound like a mess of realism. Unfortunately, however, high dimensional intelligence still exists. High-level intelligence escapes from thought that was subordinate to sensual one and thinks to activate sensibility itself. In other words, there is thinking to change sensation itself. Let's think that thought in persistence space inevitably becomes such thought.
In case
Elementary particles that have emerged in the extreme of human reason are like signposts that are presented from their high dimensional intelligence. So, with traditional thinking depending on sensitivity, the mystery of elementary particles can not be solved. In reasoning that time and space are regarded as an intuitive form of sensitivity, it is likely that the method of making a problem itself is incorrect. We must read the encouragement that there, "Think in a way different from existence!"
In case
Bergson who tried to change persistence to intuitive form is probably right. It is now necessary to qualitatively change the space. To regard the life that is everlasting within yourself as the space itself under the name of the depth. And to set up a different dimension thinking to reconstruct the world from there. You should think that what you have already done is high-dimensional intelligence. So, the world is like this, I am.
In case
High dimensional intelligence does not have a visible body. Higher order is a persistent space and nonlocal, so this is natural. Let's think that the physical body we are familiar with is crystallized to fix its higher nonlocal orientation. That is why the body is a local entity but allows spatial movement and lives as a local and nonlocal connection point.
In case
With such a way of thinking, the body is moving in the extended space, but the dual body space that the body does not move in the sustained space naturally emerges in the sense naturally - the so-called "vesical That's it. It is this latter sensation that is missing in our current form. If it does not actually exist, despite the disappearance of even the true owner, this immovable space is not rising to thinking at all.
In case
Such an immovable space that permeated persistence guarantees the sense of position ("sense") of each individual. And, because there is a high-order absolute space where such immovability gathered from myriads, each spirit makes it possible for one's own exercise and the tide of life under the name of collaboration It will build up. There is the nature of the relationship "me and you" that is not yet conscious there, and there is a meaning of the higher order society created by the high dimensional intelligence body.
