そしてミスティは「記憶の宮殿」で何が起こり、これから何が起こるのかをエージェントたちの前で語りました。この時に撮影された動画を、6月のエージェント・オリンピアードにも海外から参加されていた JpLolo jplolo さんがスクリプトに書き起こしてくれましたので、拙訳にてご紹介させていただきます。
JpLolo jplolo We are very pleased to know that! Thank you!
なお翻訳にあたり、リュケイオン・メンバー YutoRaion に助力いただきました。ありがとうございます!
あなた達が今日学んだことで、私たちは最大のポータル・ネットワークを、この地球で最大の「記憶の宮殿」を、取り戻すことができるのです。それを形作り、強化し、育て、利用することができるのです。人々はこれから訪れることを知らなければなりません。ですから、今日学んだことを広める必要があるのです。 すぐに、スキャナによって私達のこの巨大な「記憶の宮殿」にポータルを申請できるようになるでしょう。 (強調は訳者による)
Transcript of Misty Hannah’s Mind Palace Speech
Ingress RPG Event, Burbank California
For those of you who do not know me I'm Misty Hannah. And it seems you've made it through the Mind Palace, yes?
...Well done. You've all set out to save me and for that I'm grateful. But it wasn't me that needed saving. I was never the one in danger, you are.
Look, at Camp Navarro we crossed a line. We all started taking part in Remote Participation and we saw into places that were never meant to be seen and we changed things in other dimensions. And that... it comes at a price.The exogenous can enter this dimension. They can enter our minds and you need to protect yourselves by creating a Mind Palace like the one you just experienced. I let you into my Mind Palace so you could see for years how I survived years of remote viewing experiments. Without it, [inaudible (no one will survive?)].
So, share what you learned today because soon we are all going to need it. We are tearing down the walls of this dimension. And that means more risk, but it also means greater rewards.
Very very soon, something's going to happen.
With what you learned today, we can take back control of the largest portal network, of the largest Mind Palace on Earth; the portal network. We can shape it. We can enhance it. We can grow it. You can use it. So you have to share what you learned today because people need to know what's coming. Very soon, your scanners will be able to submit portals to this giant shared Mind Palace of ours.
I don't claim to understand it. But I'm going to try. Let everyone know what you learned today. Because when you can start to submit portals, that, my friends, will be truly magic.
#ProjectLycaeum #Ingress
Originally shared by Matt Dickson (RainbowSmurf)
Misty's Mind Palace in Burbank, CA today. This is her message to the agents in attendance.
返信削除ちなみに元の記事に、ミスティへのメンション付で「your boobs are awesome!!」ってコメントしたら、しれっと削除されてた。😌