【所感】 More World For Agents 【まだ続くよ】

【所感】 More World For Agents 【まだ続くよ】

(English follows)
さて、約半月にわたり募集してきた #MoreWorldForAgents であるが、発表当初から大きな反響をいただき、また積極的な投稿をいただいて嬉しい限りである。

またこれ以降もハッシュタグ #MoreWorldForAgents を活用し、互いの世界を共有していけたら幸せである。


調査。 そう、これは #ProjectLycaeum が企画する以上「調査」なのである。

イングレスのストーリーには「 トランスディメンショナル・エンティティ 」と呼ばれる、次元を超越した存在が数多く登場する。シェイパー、ナジア、テクトゥルフ・・・。これらの存在を理解するためには、「次元」という概念に触れる必要がある。

私はそれにヒントを得て、同様に 3次元のレイヤーを幾つも重ねていくことで、擬似的に4次元を再現できるのではないか と考えた。3次元のレイヤーとはつまり、我々が住むこの世界と同じ奥行きを持つ別の世界のことである。存在することはわかっていても、我々が自由に行き来することのできない別の3次元世界。




また、この期間中に米ナイアンティック社スタッフである flint dille raza ahmad 両氏が来日、その際にファミ通Appのインタビューを受けている。
インタビューの最後に raza ahmad 氏は次のように述べている。

そして今日、中国のAGである Lucia Dong 氏がこのイベントを中国語翻訳、紹介してくださった。

今後も引き続き、ハッシュタグ #MoreWorldForAgents に注視してほしい。

I'm extremely pleased to be given great feedback and active postings from the very beginning of #MoreWorldForAgents that has been asking for post for about half a month.

I had read the posts as many as I could and could touch edges of the world each Agent has. There was a wider genre posts than I expected first, those included worlds I didn't ever know and unexpected surprises. And more myself received that benefit than anyone else. That is truly valuable for me.
Because it's difficult to explain all of them here, I'd like you to find out with your own hands.

Also I will be happy if you will use the hashtag #MoreWorldForAgents and share your world with each other.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the Agents who cooperated with my investigation so far.

Investigation. Yes, this is "investigation" because #ProjectLycaeum is planning this.
Initially, I had the one hypothesis.
This is a description presuming how to see the 4 dimensional world from 3 dimensional viewpoint with a hint as to how the 3D world can be seen from the 2D viewpoint.

Ingress story has several unknown entities called " Transdimensional entity ." Shapers, N'zeer, Tecthulhu and maybe more. In order to understand the nature of these, we have to know the concept about "Dimension."

You can use "layer" to express 3D(depth) in 2D world. It's a concept that can express depth virtually by looking through a lot of things like transparent film.
I got a hint on it and thought that it may be possible to reproduce 4 dimensions in a pseudo manner by overlaying 3 dimensional layers in the same way. 3 dimensional layer means a different world that has the same depth as this world we live in. We know that exists, but we can't freely come and go.

To conclude, at this moment the layers are not enough, but I think that something like 'axis' -- the fourth one following X, Y, Z -- through each layer has come to be seen. I think that this investigation needs further continuation.

Well, when I was writing this impressions, several interesting incidents happened.

As you all know, there are rumors that some XM disturbances will occur and shards will appear soon.
There is a possibility that our investigation of this time had some influence on the XM layer. We also have to continue investigating about this.

And two weeks ago, Niantic staff flint dille and raza ahmad visited Japan, and they were interviewed by ファミ通App during that time.
In that interview, raza ahmad said follows.
--- While human society progresses, we believe that sharing each other's own stories with each other has a very important meaning. -
Is this exactly the same as our attempt this time, isn't it? His comment suggests that also the world of Ingress we are sharing is one of the layers leading us to a new dimension.

And Today, Chinese Agent Lucia Dong translated this event into Chinese and introduced it.
I am very much looking forward to what new world they will show.

Also in the future, I hope to you to continue watching the hashtag #MoreWorldForAgents. Thanks.
