このメディア…内容はおそらく何らかの会議のように思われる。会話の主は2人の 男と思われる。

Originally shared by Ruin Dig

Audio obtain from high-level security White House briefing

NIA and adminstration participants: unknown

A: The last item is the Niantic investigation update.
B: I thought that boondoggle was done.

A: Not quite. Frankly, we want to expand the investigation.
B: Why? As I recall, taxpayers sent a bunch of scientists on a sucker chase studying the God Particle and the got infected and…

A: They were exposed to large quantities of Exotic Matter.
B: It’s all coming back…

A: The exact effects, frankly, are unknown.
B: Might that there were no effects because XM doesn’t really exist? Oh… yeah, I just remembered, some moron shot of the scientist and a hooker at a train station in Zurich.

A: The shootings were carried out by a rouge A.I.

B: And you want to keep this investigation going? I’d you guys would want to shut this down. Really not your best day.

A: You’re right, except for one thing. We’re falling behind curve. We believe competing nations and corporations are already weaponizing XM.
B: And what does an XM weapon do?

A: That’s not the question. The question is whether we want to be the last ones to find out.
B: I thought XM was scarce…can opponents harvest high enough quantities of it?

A: That’s the problem. It’s being mass harvested by millions of people who think they are playing a game.
B: This just keeps getting better. A game?

A: It’s called INGRESS.
B: And you can’t shut it down?

A: Niantic Labs is a very elusive organization. If we shut it down, we draw more attention to it.

