Originally shared by MailEater (白ヤギ)
【FFP】Pl Suppor氏からの謝辞 転載
(English follows)
Pl Suppor より H. Richard Loeb 氏と日本のInvestigatorたちへ、先般行われた調査「 #FoodForPAC 」への協力に感謝するメッセージが発信されました。
Pl Suppor reveald a message to Mr. H. Richard Loeb and the all Investigators for appreciating their cooperation on the recent operation #FoodForPAC .
In the near future, an interesting theme may be presented again from him. I am looking forward to it.
(Follows are his comment)
First, I apologize that my comment was delayed.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for many Agents' cooperation of the investigation.
Your research and experiment "cooked" creative, diverse, and complex glyphs, unlike the simple one I did.
I do not have much time to analyze each data, but I think that the operation #FoodForPAC got a certain result.
And I also thank Mr. H. Richard Loeb for giving us not only inspiration but also giving us feedback about 'Shifts in consciousness' that may have been revealed on our research.
( http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/12/19/foodforpac/ )
Someday, I may ask to agents in some other way to research.
I wish you to do me a favor at the time.
And anything else of that, please let me know if you find that you feel something interesting or curious.Your little discover will lead us to the quest for the truth.
#ingress #FoodForPAC
Originally shared by MailEater (白ヤギ)
【FFP】Pl Suppor氏からの謝辞 転載
(English follows)
Pl Suppor より H. Richard Loeb 氏と日本のInvestigatorたちへ、先般行われた調査「 #FoodForPAC 」への協力に感謝するメッセージが発信されました。
Pl Suppor reveald a message to Mr. H. Richard Loeb and the all Investigators for appreciating their cooperation on the recent operation #FoodForPAC .
In the near future, an interesting theme may be presented again from him. I am looking forward to it.
(Follows are his comment)
First, I apologize that my comment was delayed.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for many Agents' cooperation of the investigation.
Your research and experiment "cooked" creative, diverse, and complex glyphs, unlike the simple one I did.
I do not have much time to analyze each data, but I think that the operation #FoodForPAC got a certain result.
And I also thank Mr. H. Richard Loeb for giving us not only inspiration but also giving us feedback about 'Shifts in consciousness' that may have been revealed on our research.
( http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/12/19/foodforpac/ )
Someday, I may ask to agents in some other way to research.
I wish you to do me a favor at the time.
And anything else of that, please let me know if you find that you feel something interesting or curious.Your little discover will lead us to the quest for the truth.
#ingress #FoodForPAC